Tomo: Manga VS Anime Comparison

Tomo in Fushigi Yuugi anime (left) and manga (right).

Tomo in anime and manga...there are a few differences in his character between on screen and on paper.
In the manga, he had more soft and somewhat feminine features, making him look like the vengeful woman or a witch 😂. His body language was minimally dancer-like. In anime, he was drawn more masculine looking with angular facial features, broad shoulders, and more power stances.

Tomo looks more masculine in the anime than in the manga.

Surrounding Amiboshi, the clones of Tomo have dancer-like movements in the manga.

Surrounding Amiboshi, the clones of Tomo have power stances in the anime. 

Manga Tomo is slightly more snappy, spiteful, and condescending towards the Seiryuu warriors including Nakago. Anime Tomo is more calm and reserved. When manga Tomo found out that Nakago didn’t take Miaka’s virginity, he scornfully criticized him as he stood over and looked down at a sitting Nakago. This imagery signifies that he’s something of an equal, that he is not below the supposed leader of the group. He also made another blow to Nakago by reminding him of his painful past of being molested as a child and that was probably why Nakago didn’t rape Miaka. Knowing that Nakago is sensitive about the topic, Tomo quickly apologized but still had a subtle sly face when issuing it. The anime did not exhibit this. He did not have an angry tone when he found out that the Nakago didn’t do the deed—more like he had a concerned attitude of an underling. Though still standing, he lowers himself to Nakago’s level, solidifying Nakago’s status as the big bad boss. The anime also omitted Tomo’s mentioning of Nakago’s past, most likely to make Nakago unsympathetic and Tomo less important as a Seiryuu member.

Tomo snapped at Nakago with a condescending look in the manga.

Tomo lowered himself down to Nakago's level in the anime.  Still unhappy with the situation, but didn't do it in a demeaning way.

Reading this panel, you can hear the anger from Tomo as he criticizes Nakago.

One last blow to Nakago, but Tomo quickly apologizes, albeit he looks pretty sly when issuing it.

Nakago does the talking in the anime.  Tomo just stands there and listens like a good boy.

Manga Tomo was obviously annoyed by Tamahome’s insults to his appearance. Anime Tomo kept it together the entire time.
Tomo is obviously annoyed by Tamahome's insults.

Manga Tomo was VERY PERVY towards Tamahome, as he licked his lips before tickling him with this feathers. The anime, on the other hand, toned down Tomo’s homoeroticism in this scene. Albeit Tamahome is still in bondage in both manga and anime.
Tomo licks his lips and doing BDSM stuff to Tamahome in the manga.

Tomo still doing BDSM stuff to Tamahome in the anime, but the homoeroticism was toned down.

Manga Tomo’s death was extremely violent but was drawn more artistically with him as a wrenching silhouette to cover the overt gore. It’s definitely a murder scene with his corpse littered with bloody holes. This scene right here represents that Tomo’s spell on the Suzaku warriors is broken.
Tomo getting slaughtered by Suboshi in the manga.  Lots of gore but the clothes are still intact.

A dead Tomo in the manga.  Lots of holes and blood.  It's a murder scene.

The anime death scene was far less gruesome—his clothes was basically beaten off of him like a pervy fighting video game lol. Less bloody, but no less symbolic. The tattered clothes also means that his spell is broken but also reveals that a mysterious person with mysterious powers is nothing more than just a man underneath. Also after Amibosh drank the leaves of Forgetfulness, a shot of Tomo’s corpse is seen in the background, indicating that his spell on Amiboshi is also broken. If Amiboshi didn’t drink the juice, he would’ve succumbed to Tomo’s feather illusions and died (Tomo's powers have more mental effects than they are physical).
Tomo getting his clothes beaten off by Suboshi.  Hardly any blood here.

The Mysterious Man of Gyougokuza is no longer mysterious.

Suboshi saved Amiboshi.  Tomo can be seen from the distance, his dark spell is broken as the sun rises.


Manga Volumes 10 and 11.  Anime Episodes 37, 38, 39, 40, and OVA 1.


  1. Tomo is again revived by Tenko in Fushigi Yuugi OVA 1


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